Thursday 29 November 2007

Google Goes Green

Nathan found a great article on Slashdot, about Google going into Green Energy production on a mass scale.

"Google today announced its RE<C project to make renewable energy cheaper than coal in the near future. The company, and its charitable arm, plan to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the initiative. Larry Page stated: 'With talented technologists, great partners and significant investments, we hope to rapidly push forward. Our goal is to produce one gigawatt of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal. We are optimistic this can be done in years, not decades.' "

One gigawatt of energy can power a city the size of San Francisco (or for that matter, Brisbane)! See Google's full
press release

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see a grassroots group like this springing up.

Just letting you know your link to 'Who On Earth Cares' doesn't work, due to an extra 'e' in the URL.

BTW, have you seen Commentary on climate change by real climate scientists, with dozens of invaluable links to such things as climate basics, the IPCC reports, responses to the arguments commonly advanced by skeptics, etc.

A couple of other sites I've found useful, with information relevant to Queenslanders, are , and
